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The Active Spaces Network

Spaces to Work


of the time a desk is occupied

What if we could work in a space that is suitable for the task that we are doing?

We spend a large proportion of our time at work, which makes it a great space to increase incidental physical activity.


Activity Based Working (ABW) is potentially a promising avenue for improving physical and mental health in the workplace and can have a positive impact on staff perceptions of the workplace and the employer. Although ABW is implemented in numerous organisations and is the flavour ‘du jour’ of office design, there is a scarcity of evidence on the outcomes, benefits and downsides of ABW.


We are involved a program of studies looking at the health effects of moving to an ABW environment and how ABW affects productivity and collaborations as well as perceptions of the workplace. 

Building the evidence base:

We summarise the current evidence on the impacts of ABW on people’s health, performance and perceptions in a recent systematic review

A piece in the Fifth Estate


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